Saturday, January 12, 2008

Some long days ahead

The team is doing OK with a few flat days in between but overall doing very well. The team is going out to a different village tomorrow and staying overnight so they are expecting some long days ahead burning the candle at both ends of the day, so prayer against tiredness would be really appreciated.
The kids ministry is going well and so is the medicine with the team having just the right amount of medicine on hand.
Chris gave his testimony the other night and Chee and Howard were giving theirs tonight as well as a native Aka (Thai) woman.
The drama they've been doing has also been going really well with the Thai people really enjoying it.
Thanks for your prayers, support and encouragement. They are all greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

General said...

stay strong friends. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you, and will give you healing form the physical ailments, and protection form the spiritual. Satan may try now to stand against you, but remember that as Servants of Jesus Christ, no one has the strength to stand against you. Smile when you are troubled by evil spirits knowing that they have no power to harm you, and send them on their way. God Bless you all