Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back from camp

Ok, so I returned from camp after eating rice for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper, and went straight to Maccas for a Chris triple hamberger special.
Camp went great, 50ish kids some who'd never been to the beach before all going on a party bus (disco music, bass thumping for 3 hours, dancing up the back of the bus) was a great experience. Taught english for only 4 hours, but spent time with the team and kids. This morning I also counted 12 mosquito bites on my right hand- I guess i forgot about the aeroguard on that one hey! Today is the day off and had a good sleep in- better than getting up for 'exercises' on camp at 630 or even 5am! Plenty more camp experiences but I'll tell you when I get home.
Next week will be teaching English to some of the guys who went on the camp so that should be fun! Teaching in both the morning and evening. Well, keep me posted on how things are going in chilly Melbourne (apparently its meant to be 41 degrees here today!) Hope you're all keeping well

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Off to the Beach!

Ok so after I made it, I relaxed for a day or two. The team arrived in dribs and drabs over the last 2 or so days. The 7 people from Blacky Church of Christ arrived 2 days ago then the other 9 or so arrived yesterday.
We went to church yesterday- and you had to laugh as they sang their own songs then they sang choruses from the '80s in Thai but we could sing along in English- well i found it humerous anyway!
Had an orientation day today and I am know going on a sports camp to the beach from tomorrow (Tuesday) through to Friday, which should be fun (thanks mum for packing the sleeping sheet!!!) What I'll be doing: teaching English with 4 others Robyn (from YFC), Ella from Blackburn, Rob from Swanston Street COC and Ash- UNOH director. We'll be one of 4 workshops the 8-14year olds do each day so we'll be teaching English for 4 hours each day- (the same session 4 times over for the 4 different groups!) When we're not doing that we'll be leaders on the camp with the locals from the church, it also means I wont (probably) have internet access for the next few days.
Weather is still muggy as anything and despite being a ball of sweat by the time i've even entered the slum, I still managed to play soccer with the young boys and then go for a 5km run with one of the UNOH workers- it was fun and a good chance to chat and see what their really on about. (aparently it got down to a mild 30 last night!)
Caught up with Chris and Jodie today and Grace and Ruby, and visited their house today. Quite spacious really- a 3 room plus toilet house about the size of our lounge room and varanda.
So, hope you're all keeping well. Sorry this is such a long post, but you wont get one for another couple of days! Thanks for all your prayers as well. Really appreciate them. From here on in I think i'm required to get up and be ready for action at 730, so no sleepins for Chris (until saturday!)
Catch ya!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Made it!

Hey Guys. Made it safely to BKK (at midnight Melb time) 8pm Thai time and by the time I got out of the airport I decided to take it easy (as I had a headache too) so I booked into the motel i'll be staying in for the next 2 weeks, and did not much except go up the street and buy food and check out the motel. I've attached a picture of my plane food (being jet star had to bring my own) but it was quite a nice spread.- Picture may not work as internet is really slow here!
Now for the deeper stuff:
How's this for a saying- i thought of this morning!
"First in order to work most must first confront your own demons"
So feel free to be praying for that!
Ok enough deep stuff- The rest of the crew get here tomorrow or Sunday so that should be good to catch up with them and get to know them. Hope all is well with all of you!
Thinking of you (while melting in 35 degree heat!)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Melbourne- Bangkok

Ok, so I leave in 5 minutes. I hope to be able to access this as frequently as possible to keep you updated, but no promises as who knows when I'll have internet access!!!
I seem to have everything packed at the moment, including my lunch for the plane!
In terms of preparation, I think i am ok. I have got maps of Bangkok and I'm staying on Kho San Rd tonight, although I haven't booked accomodation yet, that's half the fun of just walking up and seeing if there's any room!
In terms of bags- I'm taking one backpack and one bag full of goodies to be left at the slum and one carryon bag. Thanks for all your prayers. They're always appreciated.
2 Corinthians 1 first bit on comfort, was a scripture that also stuck out to me as I was preparing.
Catch ya soon!

Monday, March 19, 2007

3 Days to go!

As of today (Monday) there are now only 3 days to go before i jump on a plane and scoot off to Bangkok. And it hit me tonight that I'm still not really prepared to teach English, but at the same time God's got everything under control. (Good thing that too!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

One week and one day to go.

Well the Adventure to Thailand is only 1 week and 1 day away now, and I'm attempting to learn at least some Thai so that when I'm teaching English to the Thai kids I can at least say something to them they'll understand!

My itenerary at the moment is as follows:
Thursday 22 March: Depart Melbourne
Saturday 24 March- Sunday 8 April: Teaching ESL in the Klong Toey slum with UNOH
Monday 9 April- Thursday 12 April-ish: Heading west to Sanklaburi
Friday 13 April-ish- Saturday 21 April-ish: Catching up with Pastors/missionaries in Chiang Rai
Sunday 22ish: Head back to Bangkok
Monday 23: Leave Bangkok for Melbourne
Tuesday 24: Arrive back in Melbourne

Of course this in Thailand so pretty much only the departure dates from Mel & BKK are set and the ESL teaching. All the rest of it is pretty fluid at the moment!

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Welcome to the first of I don't know how many postings that will keep people up-to-date with the travels and fun of Chris!