Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back from camp

Ok, so I returned from camp after eating rice for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper, and went straight to Maccas for a Chris triple hamberger special.
Camp went great, 50ish kids some who'd never been to the beach before all going on a party bus (disco music, bass thumping for 3 hours, dancing up the back of the bus) was a great experience. Taught english for only 4 hours, but spent time with the team and kids. This morning I also counted 12 mosquito bites on my right hand- I guess i forgot about the aeroguard on that one hey! Today is the day off and had a good sleep in- better than getting up for 'exercises' on camp at 630 or even 5am! Plenty more camp experiences but I'll tell you when I get home.
Next week will be teaching English to some of the guys who went on the camp so that should be fun! Teaching in both the morning and evening. Well, keep me posted on how things are going in chilly Melbourne (apparently its meant to be 41 degrees here today!) Hope you're all keeping well


Anonymous said...

Hey there chrissy boy, Somehow found this blog of yours. Are you sure the are mosquito bites or are they something else, cause i often wake up with multi bites but have since realised they are cochroach bites. so have fun.i've since learnt to sleep with many friends. Stay stong bro say hi to chris and jodie and gang. ta Brandon
Phil 2

Dave said...

Hey Chris,
nice to hear what you've been up to, sounds like it's been busy!! Things are reasonably quiet down this end of the world, well, in my little world anyway... Have a good time, looking forward to more posts!! Praying for you!
Dave ;)

Anonymous said...

Sawadeeka, Sai Bai Dee Mai Ka?
glad to be reading your updates and i really wish i was over there too!!

Chalk dee ka