Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In KL...

In a motel in KL, looking at the schedule for only 3 days left and yet so much to do. Its a humbling task, as we believe that God's got so much more in store, and we've only got 3 days. Please be praying for us. After 2.5 weeks for Peter and Chris and 5 weeks for Leonie, its getting tough to stay with it. We've been sucessful in being able to help those who we are ministering to as a team who we visit. And we've still got a couple of days to go and maybe 2 other people to catch up with like Lanching and Vincent tomorrow night (Wed). But as well as prayer for that we'd really appreciate prayer for team unity, for God's Spirit to just be ministering to each of us, and that any breakthroughs in relationships with our Thai team members can just be Spirit led and directed, even now as I write this.

1.that we were able to come to KL and that luggage could get through, and that we were able to catch up with LanChing and leave Mimee and Chuilian with her. She's the only female at the drug rehab place where her husband works, so its such an encouragement to her to see her friends come and to be able to speak her tribal dialect with Chuilian, so we're praying that is a really blessed time.
2. that while the Thai girls were catching up Leonie was able to find a physio in KL to have some work done, was cool the way God directed us to the right person, and it didn't cost a fortune! Pray that her back and neck can now hold up for the rest of the time she's over here.
Prayer: as above, and thanks so much for your faithfulness in supporting us. Its getting to crunch time, so we'd really appreciate them especially over the next 3 days!

Thanks again!

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