Although it was midnight in australia so we figured that was good enough. We had a really good chance to chat with Neill & Dianna last night and a great time of encouragement and support was had going both ways. Dans now over his tummy bug and almost up to full strength again. Give thanks that it only knocked him out for 1 day, as normally it could be a bit longer.
We're about to have a cultural lesson from our cultural advisor Mimee (translator) and then catch up with the staff from Elpis School. They school mainly illegals from Burma and have roughly 200 in the school and what we'd normally fit 25 students into they manage 80 so the classes can be quite large.
Tomorrow we're heading back to Chiang Mai on the 6hr bus trip so prayer we can be open to divine appointments all along the way would be fantastic. thanks for the encouragment and sms's!
Thanks for your updates Chris. Glad it's really going well for you. We're continuing to pray for you!
Beach mission starts tomorrow for Melissa, Holly, Bryce and Mum. Keep safe.
Mike & Melissa
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happy new year to all team.
we continue to remember you.
glad dan's over the tummy bug.
continue being a blessing to all you meet.
and being blest in the process.
good to hear you're keeping up you sleep.
good pickup taking earplugs for judy.
keep safe. enjoy.
Rich's mum and dad
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